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1st Venture Weekend Bioeconomy

 54h to develop your business idea for a sustainable economy based on renewable resources without fossil fuels


5:15 PM // Check-In starts: Arrive at the venue and get registered

6:00 PM // Hi and welcome! Short introduction to the event

6:30 PM // Input session about Bioeconomy

7:00 PM // Pitches Start: Optionally you can pitch your idea

7:45 PM // Voting: Attendees vote for the best pitches

8:15 PM // Dinnertime: Have a nice dinner with all attendees and get to know each other

9:00 PM // Voting results and team forming: The most voted business ideas will be announced and you can build your teams

10:00 PM // Day 1 is finished: End of the first day and take some rest at home



8:15 AM // Venue opens

8:30 AM // Breakfast: Arrive at the venue and have a simple breakfast

9:00 AM // Input session about Business Modelling (Lean Canvas)

10:00 AM // Begin Work: Get comfortable with your team in your workspace for the weekend

1:00 PM // Lunchtime

2:00 PM // 1st Coach meeting: Coaches arrive to help you with your questions and problems

2:30 PM // Status report: News / update of the teams

7:30 PM // Dinnertime

8:30 PM // Status report: News / update of the teams

10:30 PM // Day 2 is finished: End of the second day and take some rest at home

8:15 AM // Venue opens

9:00 AM // Breakfast: Arrive at the venue and have a simple breakfast

10:00 AM // 2nd Coach meeting: Coaches arrive to help you with your questions and problems

12:30 PM // Lunchtime

1:00 PM // Input session: Pitch training to help you preparing your final pitches

3:00 PM // Optimize your presentation & tech-check

6:00 PM // Final Presentations

7:30 PM // Judging & Awards: Winners and prizes will be announced

8:00 PM // Wrap-up

8:15 PM // Dinnertime and final get-together

9:30 PM // Third and last day is finished


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Kuckertz

Head of the department of Entrepreneurship at the University of Hohenheim









Andreas Kuckertz is full professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Hohenheim, Germany (, and the managing director of the University of Hohenheim’s Institute of Marketing and Management. He is a member of the board of FGF e.V., the largest and leading academic association for entrepreneurship and innovation in German-speaking countries. In addition to his activities in research and teaching, he is active as a speaker, consultant and coach on all aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Benedikt Bösel

Chairman of the AgTech specialist group in the German Startups Association I Managing Director of Schlossgut Alt Madlitz I Mentor of the Agro Innovation Lab I Investment adviser for Bioenterprise Capital



Benedikt Bösel is an agricultural economist and, after ten years in the investment business, he now is the Managing Director of Schlossgut Alt Madlitz, an ecological farm and forestry, one hour to the east of Berlin where he offers testing grounds for Ag-startups and research projects. He is chairman of the specialist group AgTech in the German Startups Association and as such advises associations, corporates as well as the German Government in ag-related innovation topics.

Furthermore, he is mentor of the Agro Innovation Lab and investment advisor for Bioenterprise Capital, a trans-atlantic Accelerator and venture capital provider specializing in agrartechnologies. Prior to joining Bioenterprise Capital, Mr. Bösel was Senior Investment Manager at Bilfinger Venture Capital with a focus on industry innovation such as water treatment, resource usage, recycling, and infrastructure.



Sebastian Donath




Sebastian is an enthusiastic entrepreneur with lots of passion. He pitched in the TV show DIE HÖHLE DER LÖWEN and founded a startup together with the company MAHLE. His focus is online business, customer love, sales and eCommerce.

Bastian Winkler

Founder I Geco-Gardens



Bastian Winkler is an agricultural scientist and is currently promoting the area of "Renewable Resources and Bioenergy Plants" at the University of Hohenheim.
After completing his master's degree, he was a co-ordinator of the Planning and Study Commission on the development of the master's program "Bioeconomy" at the University of Hohenheim.
In 2016 he founded the startup / spin-off "Geco-Gardens" (

Jens Schmelzle

Founder I simpleshow I farmee



Jens Schmelzle wanted to be a rock star. Instead he founded the company simpleshow together with friends - meanwhile the startup became the world market leader for explanatory videos. Further foundations were added, among others the Urban Farming Startup farmee ( Jens Schmelzle is the regional representative of the German Startups Association and has been active in Stuttgart's founding scene for many years.


Vice President for Academic Affairs I Head of the department of Biobased Products and Energy Crops at the University of Hohenheim



On 1 February 2010 Prof. Dr. agr. Iris Lewandowski was appointed to the chair of “Biobased Products and Energy Crops” at the University of Hohenheim. She initiated and leads the international Master “Bioeconomy” and is editor of an open access textbook on Bioeconomy. Presently, her research focuses on the development of sustainable biomass supply systems for a growing bioeconomy, the optimisation of biomass properties for industrial and energetic applications and the development and LCA of biobased value chains. Since 6/2017 she coordinates the BBI EU project GRACE (GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for biorEfineries).

Armin Eichhorn

Founder I Moderator





Armin Eichhorn loves turning business ideas into reality. His passion is for startups in the early stage when it’s all about getting those first few customers who are not your mother. Armin is a founding partner in the ethical design label KANCHA (, a coach to the founder of (, and more (

Lukas Kauderer

Founder I Startup Willi I IiCili




Lukas Kauderer has been working on startups and the start-up scene since 2012. He completed a dual degree in business engineering and worked in internal consulting, in the area of ideas and innovation management. He has been working full-time in his start-ups since the completion of his Masters of Innovation Management. Through his Youtube channel "Startup Willi"  (, he introduces startup and start-up knowledge every week. The platform "IiCili" ( deals with the analysis of customer feedback.

Nadine Antic

Managing director I Founder I GlobalFlow GmbH



The two in Stuttgart born sisters are the heads of GlobalFlow GmbH (


Nadine Antic studied energy and resource management and completed her studies at ESB Reutlingen in 2012. Already during her studies, she founded the company GlobalFlow, a service company specializing in waste, disposal and recycling. They advise their customers to use resources gently, to make disposal processes efficient and environmentally friendly and to avoid waste in the ideal case altogether - and thus to increase financial profitability.

Together with her sister, the economic scientist Anne Kathrin Antic, she forms the management.

In addition to their Startup GlobalFlow, they were able to further promote the organic fertilizer market with the natural fertilizer "wormanizer" (

Michael Haufler

Managing director I scireum GmbH




Michael Haufler is the founder and CEO of scireum GmbH (, a software company with a focus on trading information systems and e-commerce solutions. Michael is responsible for the entire commercial area at scireum.
Since 2016, Michael has also been the managing director of MEMOIO GmbH (, a startup that builds a B2B messaging platform.
He also manages the business of H2 Ventures GmbH and 694 Capital GmbH. With scireum, he has completed EXIST as well as the program "Young Innovators", and he knows himself as a founder with heights as well as depths in life and would like to pass on his experiences to others.


Christoph Völcker

Designer I consultant I networker



Christoph Völcker is designer, consulter and networker. He is CEO of the office d.sign21 ( in the fields of interior architecture, furniture and product design, where they developed projects from India to Costa Rica. With the competition 3D Pioneers Challenge (, which is also organized by d.sign21, he annually seeks to uncover pioneers who break new ground by using new technologies to follow their visions. Mr. Völcker founded several companies with different business models. Within his visiting-professorship and as a lecturer at international universities he likes to work with teams at workshops and coachings. 

Dr. Christoph Mandl

Founder I Visioverdis I Geco Gardens I Zugspitze


Dr. Christoph Mandl co-founds green ventures together with founders specialized in greentech. Primarily, he assists them with his experience in business development, human resources, marketing and sales.  

Timothy Earnshaw

Consultant I business development I bwcon GmbH

Raphael Stäbler

Managing director I Founder I 4e solutions GmbH

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